Transfer Reports

The Transfer Reports page displays on one tab the available standard Transfer reports and on another tab any customized Transfer reports previously created.

Standard tab

Standard Report Name

The standard report name options are the following:

  • Transfer Detail
  • Transfer Summary
  • Transfer Template Detail
  • Transfer Template Summary

To display a standard report, click the Standard Report Name link.

Action (Standard Reports)

The Customize Report option opens the standard report in the Customize Standard Transfer Report page. For details, see Customize Standard Report.

Custom tab

Select All/Select None

Clicking the Select All button selects all the rows in the column. Clicking the Select None button deselects all the rows in the column.

Custom Report Name

Name of the custom report

To display a custom report, click the Customer Report Name link.


The custom report type is the same as the basis standard report type

Last Updated Date/Time

The date and time of the most recent report customization.


These options are for working with custom reports:

  • Edit Report – Opens the customized report in the Edit Custom Transfer Report page

    For details, see Edit Custom Transfer Report.

  • Delete Report – Displays the Delete Custom Transfer Report overlay, where you can delete a report by clicking the Delete button.