Edit Custom Transfer Report

On the Edit Custom Transfer Report page, you can modify an existing custom report.

Option Description
Accounts Limits the report to one or more bank accounts

Select at least one account. You can select All Accounts to include all of the listed accounts or select multiple items using the SHIFT and CTRL keys.

Date Range Defines the range of transaction dates to be included in the report

You can define the date range in two ways:

  • Absolute Date – Specifies calendar dates as From and To dates
  • Relative Date – Defines the From and To dates according to how the dates fall relative to a specific measurement, such as the current month
Note: This option is not available for template reports.
Status Limits the report to a single transaction status

If no status is selected, all statuses are included.

Currency Limits the transactions included in the report to those of a single currency

You can further limit the report to these transaction types:

  • Credit only
  • Debit only

Credit and debit

Transaction Type Limits the transactions included in the report to a single transaction type
Amount Range Limits the report to transactions within a specific amount range
Senders Reference Range Limits the report to transactions with sender reference numbers within a specific range
Sequence Number Range Limits the report to transactions with system-defined sequence numbers within a specific range
Note: This option is not available for template reports.