Customize Standard Report

The Customize Standard Report page allows you to modify a standard Transfer report for your private use or for the benefit of all users in the company.

Note: If no values are specified for a filter option, then all items will be included. For example, if no amount range is specified, transactions appear in the custom report regardless of their amount.
Custom Report Name

The unique name of the custom report

Standard Report Name

This field carries over from the standard report it's based on.


Whether the report is private or shared with all users in your company


Limits the report to one or more individual accounts or all accounts

The system displays only the accounts you have access to

Date Range

Defines the report's transaction date range by specifying the From and To dates of the range as either:

  • Absolute Date – Specifies two exact calendar dates
  • Relative Date – Specifies how the dates fall relative to a measurement, such as the current month

This field is not available for template reports.


Limits the report to a single transaction status

If no status is selected, all statuses are included.


Limits the transactions included in the report to those of a single currency

You can further limit the report to these transaction types:

  • Credit only
  • Debit only
  • Credit and debit
Transaction Type

Limits the report to payments with one of these transaction types:

  • Many to One – Several accounts move funds into one account
  • One to Many – One account move funds into several accounts
  • Single – One account moves funds to another account
  • Transfer to Loan Account – Move funds to a loan account
Amount Range

Limits the report to transactions within a specific amount range

Sender Reference Range

Limits the report to transactions with sender reference numbers within a specific range

Sequence Number Range

Limits the report to transactions with system-defined sequence numbers within a specific range

This field is not available for template reports.