Manage EFD Uploads

The Manage EFD Uploads list page enables you to view a list of uploaded files and their related statuses. For transaction batch files that were uploaded with workflow, you can perform these tasks:

  • View the batch details, including its comprising transactions
  • Administer the files, including modifying, deleting, and creating new batch files
  • Approve and transmit the transactions for processing

Filter Options


The single date for filtering the uploads or the start date in a range for filtering the uploads


The end date in a range for filtering the uploads

Note: This field is left blank if the user is filtering by a single date
Batch Name

The batch name for filtering the uploads


This button refreshes the list based on the filter criteria.

Transaction Search

You can also search for specific transactions within a batch by clicking Transaction Search.

List Details

Column Description
Select Identifies files for an action

Individually clicking check boxes selects specific files.

Clicking the Select All link selects all displayed files.

Batch Name Name of the uploaded file
File The format of the uploaded file
Upload Source The source of the upload (manual or automated file transfer)
Type The type of the uploaded file (test or production)
Total Items The total number of transactions contained in the batch
Status The current status of the uploaded file.

Possible statuses are:

  • Loading
  • Upload Failed
  • Awaiting Approval
  • Awaiting Transmission
  • In Transmission
  • Transmitted
  • Transmit Failed
  • Awaiting Confirmation
  • Needs Review
  • Accepted
  • Rejected

For status definitions, see EFD upload statuses.

Note: After a configurable amount of time, the Awaiting Confirmation status may appear in red type as an alert that the transmitted file has not yet been confirmed.
Modified Date/ Time The date and time upon which the batch was last modified

This includes the last time the file was uploaded, approved, or transmitted.

Note: The displayed time is relative to the financial institution's time zone.