General requirements for importing wires and transfers

Files for import must meet certain requirements to ensure that the data is imported to the database correctly and successfully. The validations ensure the imported data is valid both in terms of business rules and field format requirements.

Import file requirements for wires and transfers

The general requirements for importing wires or transfers apply when you are importing the file using the standard CSV format or a custom, user-defined CSV format.

They are as follows:

  • When an optional field is to be omitted, use a comma in the place of the omitted value. This will result in two consecutive commas.
  • Leading and trailing white space (blank spaces) is ignored, unless the field is delimited with double-quotes, in which case the white space is preserved.
  • Commas are permitted within a field if they are surrounded with double-quotes.

    Double quotes are permitted within a field if the entire field is enclosed in double-quotes. In addition, each of the embedded double-quotes must be represented by a pair of consecutive double quotes.

    For example, you would need the following:

    "This field includes ""double-quotes"" inside of double-quotes."

    To render the following results:

    This field includes "double-quotes" inside a set of double-quotes.

  • Amounts can be entered with or without a decimal position.

Additional requirements for the standard CSV format

The Standard CSV format is more structured than simply being delimited with commas. The following are the key things that characterize a standard CSV file:
  • Each file must include a header record, a trailer record, and at least one payment record.
  • Each record must be on a separate line.
  • A line separator may also be embedded in the data (making a record more than one line but still acceptable). Both the following are acceptable as line separators:
    • LF (0x0A)
    • CRLF (0x0D0A)

The following illustrates a standard CSV file for an Advice to Receive payment file containing several advice to receive payments (shows line wrapping):


Payment,AR,PC Adv to Rec 1,11032007,100,USD,BC1C,047000283,95.58,USD,A,12345,Order Cust,Ord Cust Address Line 1,Ord Cust Address Line 2,Ord Cust Address Line 3,Related Ref,FW,011001742,,,,,,,FEDERAL RESERVE BANK,Interm Bk Addr 1,Interm Bk Addr 2,Interm Bk Addr 3

Payment,AR,PC Adv to Rec 2,11032007,100,USD,BC1C,047000283,2.15,USD,A,12345,Order Cust,Ord Cust Address Line 1,Ord Cust Address Line 2,Ord Cust Address Line 3,Related Ref,,,FEDERAL RESERVE BANK,Orig Bk Addr 1,Orig Bk Addr 2,Orig Bk Addr 3,,,,,,

Payment,AR,PC Adv to Rec 2,11032007,100,USD,BC1C,047000283,1.15,USD,A,12345,Order Cust,Ord Cust Address Line 1,Ord Cust Address Line 2,Ord Cust Address Line 3,Related Ref,,,FEDERAL RESERVE BANK,Orig Bk Addr 1,Orig Bk Addr 2,Orig Bk Addr 3,,,,,,


Wire import bank ID type codes

The wire import process for Fedwire, International, MultiBank, and Drawdown payments supports a variety of financial institution ID types for beneficiary, intermediary, and receiving banks. The types accepted include number of country-specific codes.

The following table summarizes the codes that must be used in the import file to identify the various financial institution ID types.

Common bank ID type codes

Bank ID Type Type Code Length/Format
Account Number AC Max = 34
CHIPS Participant Number CP 4 numeric
CHIPS Universal Identifier CH 6 numeric
Pay by Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) RT N/A
SWIFT SA 8 or 11 alphanumeric

Country-specific type codes

Bank ID Type Type Code Country Length/Format
ABA (wire) FW United States 9 numeric
Austrian Bankleitzahl AT Austria 5 numeric
Australian BSB Code AU Australia 6 numeric
Bank Code of Hong Kong HK Hong Kong 3 numeric
Canadian Payments Routing Number CC Canada 9 numeric
German BLZ BL Germany 8 numeric
Hellenic Bank ID Code GR Greece 7 numeric
Indian Financial System Code IN India 11 alphanumeric
Irish National Clearing Code IE Ireland 6 numeric
Italian Domestic ID Code IT Italy 10 numeric
Mexican ABM Number MX Mexico 3 alphanumeric
New Zealand National Clearing Code NZ New Zealand 6 numeric
Polish National Clearing Code KNR PL Poland 8 numeric
Portuguese National Clearing Code PT Portugal 8 numeric
Russian Central Bank ID Code RU Russia 9 numeric
Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code ES Spain 8 or 9 numeric
South African National Clearing Code ZA South Africa 6 numeric
Swiss BC/SIC Code SW Switzerland BC: 3-5 numeric
SIC: 6-numeric
UK Domestic Sort Code SC United Kingdom 6 numeric

About the wire validation description tables

The validation description tables describe the validations (data checking) that occur during the import process. Table columns are as follows:
  • POS – This column indicates the position of the field within a standard CSV-formatted file. It does not apply to imports based on a user-defined import profile.
  • Field – This column indicates the field name, as used within the system.
  • R/C/O – This column defines the field as one of the following:
    • R – Required
    • C – Conditional, required only under certain conditions
    • O – Optional
  • Validations – This column describes the validations that the system performs at the time of import.

Import Validations: Header Record (Standard CSV Only)

The following table describes the fields that should be included in the header record of a Standard CSV import file (wires and transfers only).

POS Field Name R/C/O Validations
1 File Type R
  • Required value: Payment (case not important)
2 Record Type R
  • Required value: Header (case not important)
3 Creation Date R
  • Date format: mmddyyyy
  • Must be prior or equal to current server date plus 1
4 File Location ID O
  • Maximum 12 alphanumeric characters
  • Client-defined identifier of the client location that created the import file
5 File Sequence Number R
  • An integer number from 1 to 9999; between 1 and 4 characters in length
  • Leading zeros are permitted

    For example, 1, 01, 001, and 0001 are all valid values to indicate a file containing one payment record.

Import Validations: Trailer Record (Standard CSV Only)

The following table describes the fields that should be included in the trailer record of a Standard CSV import file (for wires and transfers only).

POS Field Name R/C/O Validations
1 File Type R
  • Required value: Payment (case not important)
2 Record Type R
  • Required value: Trailer (case not important)
3 Hash Total C
  • Required and validated for correctness if the Hash Total Checking option is selected in the import profile.
  • 15 numeric characters
  • Equals the total of all Amount fields in the file.
4 Record Count R/O
  • Required and validated for correctness if the Record Count Matching option is selected in the import profile.
  • Equals the total number of payment records in the file.
Note: For more information on record counts and hash total checking, see Record Count and Hash Total Checking.

Import Validations: Advice to Receive Payments

The following table describes the required record format for importing advice to receive payments.
  • Field-level validations apply to both Standard CSV and user-defined imports.
  • Field order applies only to the Standard CSV format.
  • Special characters are generally permitted in alphanumeric fields, subject to the general rules described in General Requirements for Wires and Transfers.
  • When not otherwise noted, alphanumeric fields have a maximum length of 35 characters.
Field Name User-Defined:
R/C/O Standard CSV:
R/C/O Standard CSV Field Position Validations
Record Type C R 1
  • Required value: Payment
Payment Type C R 2
  • Required value: AR
Sender's Reference O O 3
  • Maximum 16 characters
Value Date R R 4
  • Date in the format: mmddyyyy
  • Is within a maximum number of days configured in a properties file at implementation time
  • A business day according to the configured schedule for the payment type
Note: Holidays and non-processing days are taken into account when determining whether a date is valid.
Destination Account # R R 5  
Destination Account Currency O O 6 Three-character ISO currency code
Destination Account Type O O 7  
Destination Account Bank ID O O 8  
Amount R R 9
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Currency R R 10 Three-character ISO currency code
Ordering Customer ID Type C C 11
  • Required if any ordering customer information has been entered and the ordering customer ID is entered
  • One of the following:

    A – Account

    1 – Passport Number

    2 – Tax ID

    3 – Drivers License

    4 – Alien Registration Number

    5 – Corporate ID

    9 – Other

  • One character
  • Either the originating bank or ordering customer information must be entered.
Ordering Customer ID C C 12
  • Required if ordering customer information has been entered but an ordering customer ID type and ordering customer ID have not been entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Ordering Customer Name C C 13
  • Required only if ordering customer information is entered
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Ordering Customer Address Line 1-2 C C 14-16
  • Lines one and two are required if any ordering customer information is entered and the ordering customer ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Related Reference O O 17 Alphanumeric; maximum 16 characters
Originator Bank ID Type C C 18
  • Required value: SA for SWIFT
  • Required if an Originator Bank ID is entered
Note: Either originating bank or ordering customer information must be entered for advice to receive payments.
Originator Bank ID C C 19
  • Maximum 11 characters
  • Required if an Originator Bank ID Type is entered
Note: Either originating bank or ordering customer information must be entered for advice to receive payments.
Originator Bank Name O O 20
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Originator Bank Address Line 1-3 O O 21-23
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Intermediary Bank ID Type C C 24
  • Required value: SA for SWIFT
  • Required if Intermediary Bank ID is entered
Intermediary Bank ID C C 25
  • Maximum 11 characters
  • Required if an Intermediary Bank ID Type is entered
Intermediary Bank Name O O 26
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Intermediary Bank Address Line 1-3 O O 27-29
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters

Import Validations: Book Wire Payments

The following table describes the required record format for importing book wire payments.
  • Field-level validations apply to both Standard CSV and user-defined imports.
  • Field order applies only to the Standard CSV format.
  • Special characters are generally permitted in alphanumeric fields, subject to the general rules described in General Requirements for Importing Wires and Transfers.
  • When not otherwise noted, alphanumeric fields have a maximum length of 35 characters.
Field Name User-Defined:
R/C/O Standard CSV:
R/C/O Standard CSV Field Position Validations
Record Type C R 1 Required value: Payment
Payment Type C R 2 Required value: FW
Sender's Reference Number O O 3 Maximum 16 characters
Value Date R R 4
  • Date in the format: mmddyyyy
  • Is within a maximum number of days configured in a properties file at implementation time
  • A business day according to the configured schedule for the payment type
Note: Holidays and non-processing days are taken into account when determining whether a date is valid.
Debit Account # R R 5
  • Must match an account in the database
  • Maximum 34 characters
Debit Account Currency R R 6 Three-character ISO currency code
Debit Account Type R R 7 Maximum 32 characters
Debit Account BankID R R 8 Maximum 34 characters
Amount R R 9
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Ordering Customer ID Type C C 10
  • Required if any ordering customer information has been entered and the ordering customer ID is entered
  • One of the following:

    A – Account

    1 – Passport Number

    2 – Tax ID

    3 – Drivers License

    4 – Alien Registration Number

    5 – Corporate ID

    9 – Other

Ordering Customer ID C C 11
  • Required if ordering customer information has been entered but an ordering customer ID type and ordering customer ID have not been entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Ordering Customer Name C C 12
  • Required only if ordering customer information is entered
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Ordering Customer Address Line 1-3 C C 13-15
  • Lines one and two are required if any ordering customer information is entered and the ordering customer ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Related Reference O O 17
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 16 characters
Beneficiary ID Type C C 18
  • Required if beneficiary ID is entered
  • Required value: Account Number
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary ID C C 19
  • Required if beneficiary ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Name O O 20 The full name of the payment beneficiary
Beneficiary Address Line 1-3 O O 21-23 Lines one and two are required if any beneficiary information is entered and if the beneficiary ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
Beneficiary Bank ID Type C C 24
Beneficiary Bank ID C C 25
  • Required if a beneficiary bank ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Bank Name C C 26 Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Beneficiary Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 27-29 Lines one and two are required if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Reference for Beneficiary O O 30 Maximum 16 characters
Intermediary Bank ID Type C C  
Intermediary Bank ID C C  
  • Required if an intermediary bank ID type is entered
  • If a beneficiary bank ID has also been specified and it matches an on-us ID, then an intermediary bank is not allowed
  • Maximum 34 characters
Intermediary Bank Name C C   Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Intermediary Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 35-37 Lines one and two are required if an intermediary bank is entered and if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Receiving Bank ID C C  
  • Required if a bank ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Receiving Bank Name C C   Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Receiving Bank Address Line 1 C C   Lines one and two are required if a receiving bank is entered and if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Bank to Bank Information Line 1-6 O O   Optional lines of bank-to-bank information

Import Validations: Drafts

The following validations are performed when importing draft payments.

  • Field-level validations apply to both Standard CSV and user-defined imports.
  • Field order applies only to the Standard CSV format.
  • Special characters are generally permitted in alphanumeric fields, subject to the general rules described in General Requirements for Importing Wires and Transfers.
  • When not otherwise noted, alphanumeric fields have a maximum length of 35 characters.
Field Name User-Defined:
R/C/O Standard CSV:
R/C/O Standard CSV Field Position Validations
Record Type C R 1 Required value: Payment
Payment Type C R 2 Required value: DR
Sender's Reference Number O O 3 Maximum 16 characters
Debit Account R R 4
  • Must match an account in the database
  • Maximum 34 characters
Debit Account Currency R R 5 Three-character ISO currency code
Debit Account Type R R 6 Maximum 32 characters
Debit Account Bank ID R R 7 Maximum 34 characters
Debit Amount C C 8
  • Either a debit amount or credit amount must be entered, but not both.
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Credit Amount C C 9
  • Either a debit amount or credit amount must be entered, but not both.
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Credit Currency R R 10 Three-character ISO currency code
Ordering Customer ID Type R R 11
  • Required if any ordering customer information has been entered and the Ordering Customer ID is entered
  • Required value: A – Account
Ordering Customer ID R R 12
  • Required if ordering customer information has been entered but an ordering customer ID type and ordering customer ID have not been entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Ordering Customer Name R R 13
  • Required only if ordering customer information is entered
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Ordering Customer Address Line 1-3 C C 14-16
  • Lines one and two are required if any ordering customer information is entered and the ordering customer ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Beneficiary Name R R 17 The full name of the payment beneficiary
Beneficiary Address Line 1-32 O O 18-19 Two lines of optional address information
Details of Payment Line 1-4 O O 20-23 Optional additional wire payment details
Drawee Bank Name C C 24 Conditional on the credit currency, as follows:
  • If EUR, field is mandatory
  • If non-EUR, field is input by system
Delivery Details R R 25 One of the following:
  • 1 – Send to Originator
  • 2 – Send to Beneficiary
  • 3 – Send to Another Address
Note: Used only if centrally printed.
Delivery Name C C 26 Required if Send to Another Address is selected for Delivery Details.
Delivery Address 1 C C 27 Required if Send to Another Address is selected for Delivery Details.
Delivery Address 2 O O 28  
Delivery City O O 29  
Delivery Country O O 30  
Delivery State O O 31  
Delivery Zip/Postal Code O O 32 Must be 5 numeric characters.

Import Validations: Drawdowns

The following table describes the required record format for importing drawdown payments.

  • Field-level validations apply to both Standard CSV and user-defined imports.
  • Field order applies only to the Standard CSV format.
  • Special characters are generally permitted in alphanumeric fields, subject to the general rules described in General Requirements for Importing Wires and Transfers.
  • When not otherwise noted, alphanumeric fields have a maximum length of 35 characters.
Field Name User-Defined:
R/C/O Standard CSV:
R/C/O Standard CSV Field Position Field Validations
Record Type n/a R 1 Required value: Payment
Payment Type n/a R 2 Required value: DD
Sender's Reference Number O O 3 Maximum 16 characters
Value Date R R 4
  • Date in the format: mmddyyyy
  • Is within a maximum number of days configured in a properties file at implementation time
  • A business day according to the configured schedule for the payment type
Note: Holidays and non-processing days are taken into account when determining whether a date is valid.
Beneficiary Account Number R R 5 Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Account Currency R R 6 Three-character ISO currency code
Beneficiary Account Type R R 7 Maximum 32 characters
Beneficiary Account Bank ID R R 8
  • Required if a beneficiary bank ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Amount R R 9
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Currency R R 10 Three-character ISO currency code
Ordering Customer ID Type C C 11
  • Required if any ordering customer information has been entered and the Ordering Customer ID is entered
  • Required value: A – Account
Ordering Customer ID C C 12
  • Required if ordering customer information has been entered but an ordering customer ID type and ordering customer ID have not been entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Ordering Customer Name C C 13
  • Required only if ordering customer information is entered
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Ordering Customer Address Line 1-3 C C 14-16
  • Lines one and two are required if any ordering customer information is entered and the ordering customer ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Debit Account Name R R 17 Maximum 35 characters
Debit Account Number R R 18 Maximum 31 characters
Debit Account Address Line 1-3 O O 19-21 Three lines of optional debit account address information
Debit Bank ID Type O O 22 Required value: "FW" for ABA
Debit Bank ID O O 23
  • Numeric
  • 9 digits
Debit Bank Name O O 24 Maximum 35 characters
Debit Bank Address Line 1-3 O O 25-27 Three lines of optional debit bank address information
Beneficiary Reference O O 28 Maximum 16 characters
Bank to Bank Information Line 1-4 O O 29-32 Optional lines of bank-to-bank information

Import Validations: Fedwire Payments

The following table describes the required record format for importing Fedwire payments.
  • Field-level validations apply to both Standard CSV and user-defined imports.
  • Field order applies only to the Standard CSV format.
  • Special characters are generally permitted in alphanumeric fields, subject to the general rules described in General Requirements for Importing Wires and Transfers.
  • When not otherwise noted, alphanumeric fields have a maximum length of 35 characters.
Field Name User-Defined:
R/C/O Standard CSV:
R/C/O Standard CSV Field Position Field Validations
Record Type n/a R 1 Required value: Payment
Payment Type n/a R 2 Required value: FW
Sender's Reference Number O O 3 Maximum 16 characters
Value Date R R 4
  • Date in the format: mmddyyyy
  • Is within a maximum number of days configured in a properties file at implementation time
  • A business day according to the configured schedule for the payment type
Note: Holidays and non-processing days are taken into account when determining whether a date is valid.
Debit Account # R R 5
  • Must match an account in the database
  • Maximum 34 characters
Debit Account Currency R R 6 Three-character ISO currency code
Debit Account Type R R 7 Maximum 32 characters
Debit Account Bank ID R R 8 Maximum 34 characters
Debit Amount R R 9
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Ordering Customer ID Type C C 10
  • Required if any ordering customer information has been entered and the ordering customer ID is entered
  • One of the following:

    A – Account

    1 – Passport Number

    2 – Tax ID

    3 – Drivers License

    4 – Alien Registration Number

    5 – Corporate ID

    9 – Other

Ordering Customer ID C C 11
  • Required if ordering customer information has been entered but an ordering customer ID type and ordering customer ID have not been entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Ordering Customer Name C C 12
  • Required only if ordering customer information is entered
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Ordering Customer Address Line 1-3 C C 13-15
  • Lines one and two are required if any ordering customer information is entered and the ordering customer ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Beneficiary ID Type C C 16
  • Required if beneficiary ID is entered
  • Required value: Account Number
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary ID C C 17
  • Required if beneficiary ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Name O O 18 The full name of the payment beneficiary
Beneficiary Address Line 1-3 O O 19-21 Lines one and two are required if any beneficiary information is entered and if the beneficiary ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
Beneficiary Bank ID Type C C 22
Beneficiary Bank ID C C 23
  • Required if a beneficiary bank ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Bank Name C C 24 Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Beneficiary Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 25-27 Lines one and two are required if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Details of Payment O O 28-31 Optional additional wire payment details
Intermediary Bank ID Type C C 32
Intermediary Bank ID C C 33
  • Required if an intermediary bank ID type is entered
  • If a beneficiary bank ID has also been specified and it matches an on-us ID, then an intermediary bank is not allowed
  • Maximum 34 characters
Intermediary Bank Name C C 34 Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Intermediary Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 35-37 Lines one and two are required if an intermediary bank is entered and if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Reference for Beneficiary O O 38 Maximum 16 characters
Bank to Bank Information Line 1-6 O O 39-44 Optional lines of bank-to-bank information
Receiving Bank ID Type C C 45
Receiving Bank ID C C 46
  • Required if a bank ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Receiving Bank Name C C 47 Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Receiving Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 48-50 Lines one and two are required if a receiving bank is entered and if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Fedwire-Structured Remittance Information

Fedwire -Unstructured Remittance Information

Fedwire-Related Remittance Information

O O  
  • Only one of the three Fedwire remittance information fields can be selected for a single profile.
  • When the File Content Type is "Both One-Time and Templated Payments," one regular Fedwire remittance information field and one repetitive remittance information field can be included in the profile. (Repetitive fields are not listed
  • Remittance information fields must be the last fields in the profile.
Repetitive-Amount/Debit Amount R    
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Repetitive-Bank to Bank Information - Line 1-6 O     Optional lines of bank-to-bank information
Repetitive-Details of Payment - Line 2-4 R    
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Repetitive-Sender's Reference Number O     Maximum 16 characters
Repetitive-Reference for Beneficiary O     Maximum 16 characters
Repetitive-Structured Remittance Information

Repetitive-Unstructured Remittance Information

Repetitive -Related Remittance Information

  • Only one of the three repetitive remittance information fields can be selected for a single profile.
  • When the file content type is Both One-Time and Templated Payments, one regular Fedwire remittance information field and one repetitive remittance information field can be included in the profile. (Repetitive fields are not listed
  • Remittance information fields must be the last fields in the profile.
  • When payments are templated, the Allow Changes to Remittance Information check box must be selected (on the template) in order for the user to include remittance information with the import. When “Allow Changes” is selected and a user imports remittance information, the imported data will overwrite all the remittance information in the template. You cannot import partial remittance information.

Import Validations: International Wires Payments

The following validations are performed when importing international wire payments.
  • Field-level validations apply to both Standard CSV and user-defined imports.
  • Field order applies only to the Standard CSV format.
  • Special characters are generally permitted in alphanumeric fields, subject to the general rules described in General Requirements for Importing Wires and Transfers.
  • When not otherwise noted, alphanumeric fields have a maximum length of 35 characters.
Field Name User-Defined:
R/C/O Standard CSV:
R/C/O Standard CSV Field Position Validations
Record Type C R 1 Required value: Payment
Payment Type C R 2 Required value: FX
Sender's Reference Number O O 3 Maximum 16 characters
Value Date R R 4
  • Date in the format: mmddyyyy
  • Is within a maximum number of days configured in a properties file at implementation time
  • A business day according to the configured schedule for the payment type
Note: Holidays and non-processing days are taken into account when determining whether a date is valid.
Debit Account # R R 5
  • Must match an account in the database
  • Maximum 34 characters
Debit Account Currency R R 6 Three-character ISO currency code
Debit Account Type R R 7 Maximum 32 characters
Debit Account Bank ID R R 8 Maximum 34 characters
Debit Amount C C 9
  • Either a Debit Amount or Credit Amount must be entered, but not both.
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Credit Amount C C 10
  • Either a Debit Amount or Credit Amount must be entered, but not both.
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Credit Currency C C 11 Three-character ISO currency code
Ordering Customer ID Type C C 12
  • Required if any ordering customer information has been entered and the Ordering Customer ID is entered
  • Required value: A – Account
Ordering Customer ID C C 13
  • Required if ordering customer information has been entered but an ordering customer ID type and ordering customer ID have not been entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Ordering Customer Name C C 14
  • Required only if ordering customer information is entered
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Ordering Customer Address Line 1-3 C C 15-17
  • Lines one and two are required if any ordering customer information is entered and the ordering customer ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Beneficiary ID Type C C 18
  • Required if beneficiary ID is entered
  • Required value: Account Number
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary ID C C 19
  • Required if beneficiary ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Name O O 20 The full name of the payment beneficiary
Beneficiary Address Line 1-3 O O 21-23 Lines one and two are required if any beneficiary information is entered and if the beneficiary ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
Beneficiary Bank ID Type C C 24
Beneficiary Bank ID C C 25
  • Required if a beneficiary bank ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Bank Name C C 26 Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Beneficiary Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 27-29 Lines one and two are required if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Intermediary Bank ID Type C C 30
Intermediary Bank ID C C 31
  • Required if an intermediary bank ID type is entered
  • If a beneficiary bank ID has also been specified and it matches an on-us ID, then an intermediary bank is not allowed
  • Maximum 34 characters
Intermediary Bank Name C C 32 Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Intermediary Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 33-35 Lines one and two are required if an intermediary bank is entered and if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Receiving Bank ID Type C C 36
Receiving Bank ID C C 37
  • Required if a bank ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Receiving Bank Name C C 38 Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Receiving Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 39-41 Lines one and two are required if a receiving bank is entered and if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Details of Payment Line 1-4 O O 42-45 Optional additional wire payment details
Charges O O 46 Valid values:
  • Ben
  • Our
  • Sha
Receiver Info – Line 1-6 O O 47 One of the following:
  • /CHEQUE/
  • /PHON/
  • /ACC/
  • /REC/
  • // (Continuation Text)

Use each code only once (except for the continuation code). The following example shows three codes with three continuations, for a total of six lines:

/REC/1234,/PHON/8885551212,/ACC/1212121,//abcde,//24232,//more info

Rate O   53 18, decimal point, 9
Contract Number R   54 Required if rate is selected.

Import Validations: MultiBank Payments

The following validations are performed when importing MultiBank payments.

  • Field-level validations apply to both Standard CSV and user-defined imports.
  • Field order applies only to the Standard CSV format.
  • Special characters are generally permitted in alphanumeric fields, subject to the general rules described in General Requirements for Importing Wires and Transfers.
  • When not otherwise noted, alphanumeric fields have a maximum length of 35 characters.
Field Name User-Defined:
R/C/O Standard CSV:
R/C/O Standard CSV Field Position Validations
Record Type C R 1 Required value: Payment
Payment Type C R 2 Required value: FX
Sender's Reference Number O O 3 Maximum 16 characters
Value Date R R 4
  • Date in the format: mmddyyyy
  • Is within a maximum number of days configured in a properties file at implementation time
  • A business day according to the configured schedule for the payment type
Note: Holidays and non-processing days are taken into account when determining whether a date is valid.
Debit Account # R R 5
  • Must match an account in the database
  • Maximum 34 characters
Debit Account Currency R R 6 Three-character ISO currency code
Debit Account Type R R 7 Maximum 32 characters
Debit Account Bank ID R R 8 Maximum 34 characters
Amount R R 9
  • Either a Debit Amount or Credit Amount must be entered, but not both.
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Currency R R 10 Three-character ISO currency code
Ordering Customer ID Type C C 11
  • Required if any ordering customer information has been entered and the Ordering Customer ID is entered
  • Required value: A – Account
Ordering Customer ID   C 12
  • Required if ordering customer information has been entered but an ordering customer ID type and ordering customer ID have not been entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Ordering Customer Name C C 13
  • Required only if ordering customer information is entered
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Ordering Customer Address Line 1-3   C 14-16
  • Lines one and two are required if any ordering customer information is entered and the ordering customer ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
  • Alphanumeric
  • Maximum 35 characters
Beneficiary ID Type C C 17
  • Required if beneficiary ID is entered
  • Required value: Account Number
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary ID C C 18
  • Required if beneficiary ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Name O O 19 The full name of the payment beneficiary
Beneficiary Address Line 1-3 O O 20-22 Lines one and two are required if any beneficiary information is entered and if the beneficiary ID type and ID have not been entered. Line three is optional.
Beneficiary Bank ID Type C C 23
Beneficiary Bank ID C C 24
  • Required if a beneficiary bank ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Bank Name C C 25 Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Beneficiary Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 26-28 Lines one and two are required if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Intermediary Bank ID Type C C 29
Intermediary Bank ID C C 30
  • Required if an intermediary bank ID type is entered
  • If a beneficiary bank ID has also been specified and it matches an on-us ID, then an intermediary bank is not allowed
  • Maximum 34 characters
Intermediary Bank Name C C 31 Required if either of the following are true:
  • The form of bank identification is the bank name (with no bank ID provided).
  • The form of bank identification being provided is the bank ID; however, the ID type = Account.
Intermediary Bank Address Line 1-3 C C 32-34 Lines one and two are required if an intermediary bank is entered and if the form of bank identification is the bank name. Line three is optional.
Details of Payment Line 1-4 O O 35-38 Optional additional wire payment details
Charges O O 39 Indicates which party to the wire is responsible for paying any related fees

Options are as follows:

  • Shared – The fees are shared between the originator and the receiver. Normally, the originating bank charges the sender a fee, and the rest of the fees are charged to the wire recipient.
  • Ours – The originator of the wire pays all fees. Banks that process the wire send their fees back to the originating bank for payment rather than deducting from the amount of the wire.

    Recipient – The receiver of the wire pays all related fees. Each bank that processes the wire deducts their fee from the principal amount of the wire before passing to the next bank

Receiver Information - Line 1-4 O O 40-43 Additional information about the payment to the receiving bank and/or the beneficiary.


/<CODE>/<additional information>/

where <CODE> is one of the following:

  • /CHEQUE/
  • /PHON/
  • /ACC/
  • /REC/
  • // (Continuation Text)
  • If /PHONBEN/ is used, this tells the receiving bank (or beneficiary bank) to use the provided phone number to call the beneficiary and inform them of the arrival of funds.
  • If /CHEQUE/ is used, this tells the receiving bank to cut a check (or draft) and mail to the beneficiary rather than putting the funds directly into an account.

Use each code only once (except for the continuation code). The following example shows four codes with two continuations, for a total of six lines:

/REC/1234,/PHON/8885551212,/ACC/1212121,/CHEQUE/244335232,//more info,//more info

Import Validations: Transfers

Account transfers can be imported using either the standard CSV format or a user-defined CSV import profile. Transfers can be imported only as single transfers.

The following table describes the required record format for importing transfers.

  • Field-level validations apply to both Standard CSV and user-defined imports.
  • Field order applies only to the Standard CSV format.
  • Special characters are generally permitted in alphanumeric fields, subject to the general rules described in General Requirements for Importing Wires and Transfers.
  • When not otherwise noted, alphanumeric fields have a maximum length of 35 characters.
Field Name User-Defined:
R/C/O Standard CSV:
R/C/O Standard CSV Field Position Field Validations
Record Type n/a R 1 Required value: Payment
Payment Type n/a R 2 Required value: AT
From Account R R 3  
From Account Currency R R 4 Three-character ISO currency code
From Account Type R R 5 Maximum 32 characters
From Account Bank ID R R 6 Maximum 34 characters
To Account R R 7  
To Account Currency R R 8 Three-character ISO currency code
To Account Type R R 9 Maximum 32 characters
To Account Bank ID R R 10 Maximum 34 characters
Amount R R 11
  • Numeric
  • Maximum 13 characters (includes decimal)
Transaction Currency R R 12 Three-character ISO currency code
Memo O O 13 Maximum 128 characters
Schedule Time O O 14
  • Time format HH:MM
  • If scheduled for today, the time must not be past the scheduled cutoff. The system determines the cutoff time by checking settings for both the corporation and the financial institution, and then uses the latter of the two.
Date R R 15
  • Date in the format: mmddyyyy
  • Is within a maximum number of days configured in a properties file at implementation time
  • A business day according to the configured schedule for the payment type
Note: Holidays and non-processing days are taken into account when determining whether a date is valid.




Import validations: US Federal Tax Payments

The following validations are performed when importing US federal tax payments.

  • Field-level validations apply to both Standard CSV and user-defined imports.
  • Field order applies only to the Standard CSV format.
  • Special characters are generally permitted in alphanumeric fields, subject to the general rules described in General Requirements for Importing Wires and Transfers.
  • When not otherwise noted, alphanumeric fields have a maximum length of 35 characters.
Field Name User-Defined:
R/C/O Standard CSV:
R/C/O Standard CSV Field Position Validations
Record Type C C 1
  • Required if file is Standard CSV
  • Required value: Payment
Payment Type C C 2
  • Required if file is Standard CSV
  • Required value: TP
Sender's Reference Number O O 3 Maximum 16 characters
Value Date R R 4
  • Date in the format: mmddyyyy
  • Is within a maximum number of days configured in a properties file at implementation time
  • A business day according to the configured schedule for the payment type
Note: Holidays and non-processing days are taken into account when determining whether a date is valid.
Debit Account R R 5 Maximum 34 characters
Debit Account Currency R R 6 Three-character ISO currency code
Debit Account Type R R 7 Maximum 32 characters
Debit Account Bank ID R R 8 Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Bank ID Type R R 9
  • Required if any ordering customer information has been entered and the Ordering Customer ID is entered
  • Required value: A – Account
Beneficiary Bank ID R R 10
  • Required if a beneficiary bank ID type is entered
  • Maximum 34 characters
Beneficiary Bank Name R R 11 Maximum 34 characters
Intermediary Bank ID Type R R 12 Required value: FW for ABA
Intermediary Bank ID R R 13
  • Numeric
  • 9 digits
Intermediary Bank Name R R 14 Maximum 35 characters
Contact Name O O 15 Maximum 35 characters
Telephone Number O O 16 Maximum 12 characters
Taxpayer Identification Number R R 17 Nine numeric characters
Taxpayer Name Control R R 18 Four alphanumeric characters
Taxpayer Name R R 19  
Taxpayer Address Line 1-3 O O 20-22  
Tax Type Code R R 23 Maximum five characters
Tax Year R R 24 Numeric, 2 characters
Tax Month R R 25 Numeric, 2 characters
Tax Amount O O 26 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Interest Amount O O 27 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Penalty Amount O O 28 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Tax Form CT-1 - FICA Equivalent Amount C C 29 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Tax Form CT-1 - Industry Portion Amount C C 30 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Tax Form 941 - Social Security Amount C C 31 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Tax Form 941 - Medicare Amount C C 32 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Tax Form 941 - Withholdings Amount C C 33 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Tax Form 720 - Abstract Number 1 C C 34 Maximum three characters
Tax Form 720 - Amount for Abstract Number 1 C C 35 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Tax Form 720 - Abstract Number 2 C C 36 Maximum three characters
Tax Form 720 - Amount for Abstract Number 2 C C 37 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Tax Form 720 - Abstract Number 3 C C 38 Maximum three characters
Tax Form 720 - Amount for Abstract Number 3 C C 39 Amount between 4 and 13 characters in length, including the decimal*
Note: If an abstract and abstract amount are included, the payment record cannot include a tax, interest, or penalty amount.