Edit Transfer

The Edit Transfer page displays the instructions defined for the selected transfer. Using the page, you can modify or delete the transfer.


These options appear if the transfer is recurring.

Indicates if you want to edit the current transfer or all transfers in the recurring series.

Transfer From

The account to withdraw funds from

Transfer To

The account to transfer funds to


The transfer amount


The transfer date

Note: If the defined date is a non-processing date or if it is past cut-off time for daily processing, the date is changed to the next available processing date.

Indicates the transfer state, such as Pending

Reference #

Indicates the reference number assigned to the transfer when the transfer was created


The available fields are based on whether the transfer is one time only or recurring.

One-time only – The One-time Only option is selected. The Recurring option is available so that you can change the transfer to a recurring transfer.

Recurring – The recurring transfer fields, with the defined information, are presented.

  • Recurring frequency

    The drop-down list shows the selected frequency for the transfer to take place.

  • Continue recurring schedule until further notice

    Indicates that the transfers will continue indefinitely, or until the transfer instructions are modified.

  • Send # total transfers

    Limits the transfer transaction to take place for the specified number of times.

Note: You cannot change transfer frequency from recurring to one-time only.

Additional instructions to include with the transfer

  • Add memo information

    A text box appears where you can enter information to be stored with the transfer instructions.

  • Approve on submit

    If you have permissions to approve your own transfers, select this option to submit your approval with the details of the transfer.

Transfer History

Shows transaction history for the transfer, including the activity, the user ID and the date and time for the activity.