Edit Bulk Transfer

This topic covers the following pages:

  • Edit One to Many Transfer
  • Edit Many to One Transfer

These transfers are generically known as "bulk transfers." Each page displays the transfer instructions for the selected transfer. Using these pages, you can view, modify, or delete the transfer.

The page has three sections:

  • Recurring Transfer
  • Transfer Information
  • Transfer To or Transfer From (depending on the transaction type)

Recurring Transfer

In the Update field for a repeating transfer, you can apply changes differently by choosing one of these options:

  • The series of transfers – Applies changes to every time the transfer occurs until you change this setting
  • The current transfer only – Applies changes only to the next transfer in the series then reverts to the previous settings.
Note: You cannot change transfer frequency from recurring to one-time only.

Transfer Information

Transfer Type

Indicates the type of transfer either Many to One or One to Many

Transfer To or From

Displays information for the account being transferred from or to, depending on the transaction type

You can make modifications to this account.


The transfer date

Note: If the defined date is a non-processing date or if it is past cut-off time for daily processing, the date is changed to the next available processing date.

Indicates the transfer state, such as Pending

Reference # AKA Sequence Number

Indicates the reference number assigned to the transfer when the transfer was created


A text box appears where you can enter information to be stored with the transfer instructions.

Transfer History

Shows transaction history for the transfer, including the activity, the user ID and the date and time for the activity.

Transfer (To or From)

This section provides the information for the multiple accounts portion of the transaction, based on the transaction type. Account information is displayed as follows:

One to Many transfers

  • Accounts to which funds will be transferred
  • Amount to transfer to each account

Many to One transfers

  • Accounts from which funds will be transferred
  • Amount to transfer from each account

If you have selected more than 10 accounts, you can use the Items per page field to indicate how many accounts to display on one page. For details, see Selecting Accounts.

Column Description
Account Name Displays the associated account name
Account Number Displays the associated account number
Currency Displays the currency of the selected account
Amount The transfer amount specific to this account
Remove Removes the account from the transfer instruction

To save your changes, click Continue. The Preview Bulk Transfer page appears.