Define custom user entitlements

About this task

Note: If you are on the Create or Edit User page when accessing these instructions, skip to step 4.


  1. From the Administration tab, in the Manage section, select Users. The Manage Users page appears.

  2. From the list of users, click the User ID of the user to define entitlements. The View User page appears.

  3. Click the Edit User button. The Edit User page appears.

  4. In the Account, Function and Data Service Entitlements section, for the User Entitlements option, select Custom. The Save and Continue button becomes enabled.

  5. Click Save and Continue. The Entitle User page appears.

  6. Set the account access by doing the following:

    1. From the Entitle User page, select Set Up Account Access. The Edit Account Access page appears.
    2. For each account, select No Access, Custom Access or Full Access.
      • If you want to set the same access level for all accounts, click Select All for the desired access level.
      • If you selected No Access or Full Access for all accounts, you can click Save and proceed to setting up functional access.
    3. If you selected Custom Access for one or more accounts, select the Customize check box next to each account with Custom Access. The Set Custom Access button becomes enabled.
      Note: The number of accounts that can be selected at one time may be limited. The Select All button selects all accounts with the Custom Access option selected.
    4. Click Set Custom Access. The Set Custom Options appears with the List View tab displayed. Two tabs are provided so that you can make your selections using the method that works best for you.
      • The List View tab lists each account in a separate section, showing all the available functional entitlements.
      • The Spreadsheet View tab lists functions by row and accounts in columns.
    5. For each account, grant user access by selecting the function.
    6. When you have selected all functions for all accounts, click Save.

      The Entitle User page appears showing a success message.

  7. Set the functional access by doing the following:

    1. From the Entitle User page, click Set Up Functional Access. The Edit Functional Access page appears.
    2. Select the check box for each function you want to entitle for the user. You can select an entire functional area, such as Information Reporting to select all functions associated with the functional area, or you can click the [+] next to a function to expand the functions for a feature and select only specific functions. For example, if you want the user to have the ability to create and edit Internal Transfers, but not to delete Internal Transfers, you can select the option to Create/Edit but not the option to Delete.
      Note: Depending on your company's configuration, you may have a simplified setup page that allows you to entitle the user to either No Access View Only or View and Transact access by feature or group of features. You can select one of these functional access levels for a set of features by using the Select All buttons.
    3. Click Save.

      The Entitle User page appears showing a success message.

  8. Set the data service access by doing the following:

    1. From the Entitle User Group page, select Set Up Data Service Access. The Edit Data Service Access page appears.
    2. Select the check boxes for each data service to entitle for the user.

      The Entitle User page appears showing a success message.

  9. Click Submit User. The Manage Users page appears.