Customize a standard report

About this task

  1. On the main menu, select Accounts, and in the Reports section, select Standard Reports. The Standard Reports page displays a list of custom and standard reports.
  2. In the row for the standard report you want to customize, click Customize Report.
    Note: A customized report, which you modify to suit your purposes, is not the same as a special report that is created by the financial institution. For details, see Special Reports.
  3. On the Customize Standard Report page, enter or change the report's information. See Customize Standard Report.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. On the preview page, verify the customized information.
  6. To save the custom report, click one of these buttons:
    • Save – Saves the changes and returns to the Customize Standard Reports page where the customized report appears in the Custom Reports section
    • Save and View Report – Saves your changes and displays the customized report in the report viewer window