Customize Standard Report

Use this page to customize a standard report. You must select at least one account and a date range.

Custom Report Name

The name of the customized report

Bank Report Name

The name of the standard report on which the customized report is to be based

This field is read-only.


The report's availability

Options are as follows:

  • Private – Available to only the user who created the report
  • Shared – Available to all company users who have the required entitlements

Specific company accounts to include in the report

Select multiple accounts by selecting the account's check box in the Select column.

The list includes only the accounts the user has access to through Account Services entitlements.

Transaction Type

Limits the transactions included in the report to a specific transaction type

The type is one of these check services report types:

  • Stop Payment – The report covers only stop payment information.
  • Cancel Stop – The report covers only canceled stop payment information.
  • Check Inquiry – The report covers only the inquiries that have been made about certain checks.
  • All – The report covers all transaction types.
Date Range

You can define the date range in two ways:

  • Relative Date – Defines the From and To dates according to how the dates fall relative to a specific measurement, such as the current month
  • Absolute Date – Specifies calendar dates as From and To dates
Amount Range

Limits the report to transactions within this amount range

Serial Number Range

The numeric range of serial numbers (check numbers) to be included in the report

To search for a single number, enter a numeric value in the From field only, and leave the To field blank.

The value in the From field must be less than the To field.