Create One to Many Transfer

Use the Create One to Many Transfer page to define instructions to transfer funds from one account to multiple accounts.

This page contains two sections which you need to complete in order to define the transfer information:

  • Transfer Information
  • Transfer To

Transfer Information

This section provides the information about the account from which funds will be withdrawn, as well as the date, frequency of the transfer, and other options.

Transfer Type

Displays the One to Many transfer type

Transfer From

The account to withdraw funds from


The transfer date

Note: If the defined date is a non-processing date or if it is past cut-off time for daily processing, the date is changed to the next available processing date.

Additional instructions to include with the transfer

Note: Options displayed are based on configuration settings.

Save as template

This option saves the completed transfer instructions as a template, which is useful if you regularly make the same type of transfer. If you select this option and click Continue, a page appears where you can define template details.

Add memo information

A text box appears where you can enter information to be stored with the transfer instructions.

Transfer To

Use this section to select the accounts to which funds are to be transferred and define the amount to transfer to each account.

After you have defined the Transfer From account in the Transfer Information section, the Select Accounts button in the Transfer To section is enabled. For details, see Selecting Accounts.

After you select accounts, account information appears. If you have selected more than 10 accounts, you can use the Items per page field to indicate how many accounts to display on one page.

Column Description
Select Accounts button To populate this section with accounts, click this button. The Accounts List window pops up.
Account Name Displays the associated account name
Account Number Displays the associated account number
Currency Displays the currency of the selected account

If any Transfer To or Transfer From accounts have different currencies, this field includes each different currency.

Amount The transfer amount specific to this account
Remove Removes the account from the transfer instruction

To start the transfer creation process, click Continue. The Preview One to Many Transfer page appears.