Create Loan Transfer

Use the Create Loan Transfer page to make a loan payment by defining instructions to transfer funds from a non-loan account to a loan account. When defining the transfer, you can choose to make a standard payment or to specify amounts to go to the principal, interest and escrow.

Transfer From

The account to withdraw funds from

Transfer To

The loan account to which funds are to be transferred.

Amount Type

Provides the following options:

  • Standard

    The amount due is transferred to the loan account.

    Note: If the loan is past due, you must use Standard as the amount type. The Amount Due must be greater than 0.

  • Other

    When selected, the loan principal, interest and escrow amount fields are displayed.

    An amount must be entered in at least one of the other fields.

Schedule Time

The time to release transfer funds to the value transfer system.

  • Use international format, such as 15:00 for 3:00 PM.
  • If no time is specified, the transfer will be executed immediately on the scheduled date.
  • Schedule Time is not applicable to recurring or future dated transfers.
Note: The availability of this field is based on bank settings.

The transfer date

Note: If the defined date is a non-processing date or if it is past cut-off time for daily processing, the date is changed to the next available processing date.

Additional instructions to include with the transfer

  • Add memo information

    A text box appears where you can enter information to be stored with the transfer instructions.

  • Approve on submit

    If you have permissions to approve your own transfers, select this option to submit your approval with the details of the transfer.