Cash position worksheets
The Cash Position Worksheet page enables you to generate a cash position report based on selected accounts and a date range. You can add custom subcategories along with data for specific dates and save the worksheet to retain the custom subcategory entered. Each time you generate a report from an existing worksheet, you must define the accounts and date range to include in the worksheet.
The Report section of the cash position worksheet displays the report results in tabular format, based on the defined worksheet information and includes any subcategory information you may have entered on a previously saved report.
The table rows display categories, subcategories, balances, and totals. The table columns display individual dates and average totals for the selected date range.
The report displays standard and custom subcategories.
- Standard subcategory – This data is based on transactions recorded by the system. Standard subcategories are defined by your financial institution and aggregate similar transaction amounts. For instance, all ACH transactions may be added together in one standard sub-category called ACH Debits. Subcategory amounts are displayed as hypertext links. Each link opens an account-level report in a report viewer with detailed transaction information, broken down by account, which represents the figure displayed on the report. Dates without recorded transaction data do not appear.
- Custom subcategory – Amounts defined for custom subcategories are added and modified manually but are included in report totals. When a worksheet is saved, the value entered for each date for the custom subcategory is saved. When an existing worksheet with custom subcategories is used to generate a report, the previously defined information is displayed. If the selected date range did not have defined data for the customer subcategory, that cell in the table is empty. Dates without data defined do not appear.
Save Report button
The Save Report button saves the worksheet. A saved worksheet includes the name of the worksheet and any custom subcategories and data entered for those subcategories.
After the report is generated and custom subcategories are added or modified, the report must be saved. If the report is not saved, subcategory changes will not be saved.
Tools icon
Using the Tools
icon, at the top of the report section of the page, you can:
- Print the report.
- Export report content or data.
- Access online Help with details on using the features of the report viewer.