Authorization rule statuses

This table describes the possible statuses for authorization rules and summarizes the actions that an entitled Universal Online Banker user can perform on a rule in that status.

    Available Actions:
Status Description Modify Delete Approve Reject
Active The rule has been accepted by the financial institution and is ready for use.
Deleted The rule was deleted.
Expired Based on either a set date or a number of payments, the rule has expired and can no longer be used without modification.

A daily batch process sets the rule status to Expired.

Not Accepted The rule was not accepted by the financial institution. The user can, however, modify and resubmit it.
Pending Approval The rule has been created or modified by a user and requires approval by a second user. Only then will it be scheduled and sent to the financial institution for acceptance.
Note: This status applies only when the Authorization Rules feature is configured in Class of Service for dual authorization.
Rejected A user created or modified the rule, but a second user rejected it.
Note: This status applies only when the Authorization Rules feature is configured in Class of Service for dual authorization.
Scheduled The rule is ready to go to the financial institution for acceptance.
Sent The record has been sent to the financial institution to be processed, but a confirmation has not yet been received. When it's confirmed, it becomes Active.