About the Inbox

The Inbox page displays these message types in separate tabs:

  • Alerts – You can view important messages related to online security or details about accounts and payments in this tab. You can sign up for special alert notifications through the Tools tab. For more information, see Manage Alert Settings).
  • Messages – Using Messages, you can communicate with bank support staff in a highly secure environment. Since secure messages never leave the financial institution's systems, they are much more secure than regular e-mail.

This section describes how to use the secure messaging features.

Accessing the Inbox

You can access the Inbox in these different ways:

  • Click the Inbox link on the top right of the page.
  • If the notification area at the top center of the page displays a red number, click it to link to the Inbox's Alerts or Messages tabs.
  • If the dashboard has a shortcut widget that links to the send secure message page, click it to access the Inbox.