Manage Alert Settings

This page lets you view and work with your alerts. When you click Alert Settings, under the Tools tab, the Manage Alert Settings page appears.

Alert Settings

Select All / Select None
The Select All button activates all the alerts.

The Select None button deactivates all the alerts.

Alert Type
The type of alert

To edit the alert, click the name link in this column.

The Security Alerts have the lock icon and cannot be deleted.
Alert Detail
More information about the alert
The information depends on the Alert Type and may include Payment Method, Status, Check Number, Threshold Amount, Transaction Type Codes or Balance type.
Note: Some Alerts like Periodic Balance, User Entitlements Requires Approval, Password Expiration Reminder and the Security Alerts do not display information in this field.
This field shows the account nickname and the last four numbers of the account linked to the alert. Deactivated and deleted accounts are not shown.
Deliver To
This display-only field shows where the alert is going to be received.
To edit an alert, click the Edit button.
To delete an alert, select the alert in the Select All/Select None column, and then click Delete button. The alert is immediately removed without further confirmation.

Add Delivery Settings

Add Delivery Option

To add a new alert delivery option, click this button, and select the delivery option from the list.

Select All / Select None
  • The Select All button activates all the alerts.
  • The Select None button deactivates all the alerts.
Delivery Name

The name of the delivery option

Clicking the link displays the appropriate Edit [Method] Alert Delivery Option overlay, where you can edit the alert delivery option.

Deliver To

The e-mail address to which alerts will be delivered

Delivery Method

The means for sending the alert, usually e-mail or inbox

Quiet Window

The hours when the destination does not receive alert messages


One of these statuses:

  • Active - The alert destination is open to receiving alerts.
  • Inactive - The alert destination is not receiving alerts.
Note: You cannot inactivated the Inbox delivery option.
To edit an alert delivery method, click the Edit button. The appropriate Edit Alert Delivery Option overlay appears, where you can edit the alert destination information.
To delete an alert delivery method, select it in the Select All/Select None column, and then click the Delete button. The delivery method is immediately removed without further confirmation.
Note: You cannot delete all the email delivery options. At least one active delivery option, aside from your inbox, must remain.