View File Upload

File Name

Name of the uploaded file

File Type

The format of the uploaded file


The current status of the uploaded file

Possible statuses for uploaded files are:

  • New
  • In Parsing (user-defined only)
  • Parse Failed (user-defined only)
  • Awaiting Approval (when configured to require approvals)
  • Awaiting Transmission
  • In Transmission
  • Transmitted
  • Transmission Failed
  • Accepted
  • Rejected
  • Deleted
Total Dollar Amount

The total dollar amount contained in the uploaded file

Total Record Count

The total number of items in the uploaded file

Modified Date/Time

The date and time when the file was last modified

This includes the last time the file was uploaded, approved, or transmitted.

Note: The displayed time is relative to the financial institution's time zone.
Last Modifier

The last user who uploaded, approved, or transmitted the file