User Activity Report

The user activity search in Universal Online Banker generates activity summaries for a wide variety of company user functions. For example, searching for “General User Session: Change Password” results in a list that displays a log for every time the system has processed a user request to change a password.

User Function
The functions to include in the report.
The functions are grouped according to the general type of user action, such as "General User Session" for activities related to logging on or off.
Select one or more functions, or select All Functions.
User ID
The User IDs of the users to include in the report.
Select one or more User IDs, or select All User IDs.
Begin Date
The first date of the report's date range.
Type the date in the dd/mm/yyyy format or select it from the calendar.
End Date
The last date of the report's date range.
Type the date in the dd/mm/yyyy format or select it from the calendar.
Note: When performing a search using the User Function criterion, at least one function must be selected. Functions are grouped within general functional area or payment type. For example, Payments: Modify Payment and Transfers: Approve Transfer.

The search tool enables you to do the following:

  • Expand the search by selecting multiple user actions from the User Function list – This involves using the CTRL and SHIFT keys
  • Narrow the search by specifying multiple different criteria in addition to User Function, such as a Login ID, Begin Date, or End Date – Search results will contain only transactions that meet all the selected criteria.