Search for transfer templates

About this task

You can narrow the transfer templates that are displayed in the template list by performing a search.

Note: The following procedure describes a simple search; however, you can also perform an advanced search using multiple criteria.


  1. From the Transfers menu, in the Manage section, select Transfer Template Center.

  2. In the search area of the Transfer Center page, enter search criteria in any or all of these fields:

    Template Name

    Searches templates based on part or all of the template name.

    Enter the exact name of the template or perform a wildcard search by using the asterisk (*) character either before or after one or more alphanumeric characters.


    • To find all templates that end with the number 001, type *001.
    • To find all templates that begin with the letters tax, type tax*.
    Transfer Type

    Searches templates based on the defined template type.

    Select an option from the list.


    Searches templates based on the template status.

    Select a status or All...Statuses.

  3. Click Search. The transfer list updates with transfers that meet the search criteria.