Save transfer as a template


  1. From the Transfers menu, in the Manage section, select Transfer Center.

  2. On the Transfer Center page, click Create Transfer.

  3. From the list, select the type of transfer you want to create.

  4. Enter all the information required for the transfer on the create transfer page.

  5. Next to Options, select Save as template.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. Review the transfer information, and then click Submit Transfer. The template page for the type of transfer, such as one to many or many to one appears.

    Depending on the type of transfer template you are creating refer to either of the following topics for field descriptions:

    • Create Many to One Template
    • Create One to Many Template

  8. Click Continue.

  9. Review the template information and then click Submit Template.

  10. After the transfer is complete, a message appears indicating that the transfer was successfully submitted and template information fields are displayed.

  11. Complete the Template Information fields as follows:

    Template Name

    Unique name for the template

    Type a unique name in the Template Name field.

    Transfer ToorTransfer From

    Depending on the transfer type, displays the single account funds are either to be transferred to, or to be withdrawn from.

    The field displays the account selected for the submitted transfer.

    To change the account, select an account from the drop-down list.

    Limit Amount

    The maximum amount allowed for transfers generated from this template. This field is optional.

    If you want transfers based off of this template to include a limit, type the amount in the Limit Amount field.


    Additional options to enable for the transfer template.

    • Activate template for use

      The template can be used when you create transfers.

      Select the check box to activate the template for use.

    • Allow amount to be changed

      The transfer amount can be changed when you use the template to create a transfer.

      Select the check box to allow changes to the transfer amount when a transfer is created based on the template.

    • Allow memo text to be changed

      Enables changes to the default memo text when a transfer is created based on the template. If not selected, and memo information is defined for the template, the defined memo text is used with all transfers created from this template.

      Select the check box to allow changes to the memo text when a transfer is created based on the template.

    • Add memo information

      The memo information can be changed when you create a transfer.

      Select the check box to add a memo to transfers based on this template and then enter the memo you want to appear as the default memo in the text box.

  12. Click Select Accounts to add additional accounts to the template. The Account List appears with the accounts selected in the submitted transfer selected.

  13. If you want to add additional accounts to the template, select the accounts from the Account List page and click Done.

  14. Define the Transfer accounts by doing the following:

    1. In the Amount field, type the amount to transfer to the account.
    2. To remove an account from the template, click the Remove icon.

  15. Click Continue. The Preview page appears.

  16. Review the information to ensure it is accurate.

  17. Click Submit Template. The template is added to the Transfer Templates list.