Remittance Information

The information you provide on this page determines the type of remittance to add to the US Wire payment. The following types of remittance information can be added:

  • Structured
  • Unstructured
  • Related
Note: Each US Wire payment allows attachment of multiple remittances; however, all attached remittances must be of the same type. For example, you can add several structured remittances, which include up to 9,000 characters, but structured remittance information cannot be added together with either related or unstructured remittance information.

About Structured Remittance

In structured remittance, remittance information is included within the structure of the Fedwire® or CHIPS format. This format utilizes pre-defined fields within the CTP (Customer Transfer Plus) or CHIPS non-bank transfer. 

Refer to the Fedwire Funds Service Format Reference Guide ( for detailed information on message format requirements.

When using the structured remittance format, information is entered into predefined fields on two separate Universal Online Banker pages. The Add Structured Remittance Information page includes the initial information for the remittance. The Add Remittance Document Information page includes the detailed information to be included with the remittance. Each structured remittance contains the fields from the Structured Remittance Information and one or more Remittance Document Information pages. All the information is entered in predefined fields.

There is no limit as to how many Remittance Document Information additions are included with the structured remittance; however, the remittance is limited to a total of 9,000 characters. The 9,000 characters include field separators and other identifiers that are added to the remittance for processing and identification purposes.

About Unstructured Remittance

An unstructured remittance is based on one of seven available codes that describe the syntax of the data. When adding unstructured remittance information, the code is selected and then the information is entered into an Addenda Information field. The wire transfer operators do not validate the text for proper content or syntax within this field.

Refer to the Fedwire Funds Service Format Reference Guide ( for detailed information on message format requirements.

The following are the unstructured remittance codes:

  • ANSI X12
  • General XML
  • ISO 20022 SML
  • Narrative text
  • STP 820
  • SWIFT field 70 remittance information

When you submit unstructured remittance information data, the system counts the number of characters in the Addenda Information field and stores that number, along with the other data, in a four-digit format, such as 0987 for 987 characters. This information must be included when the data is mapped to the wire formats.