Payment Import History

The Payment Import History page displays information about imported files, including the status of files that are processing. This page displays automatically after performing an import. It can also be accessed at any time from the Payment Tools section of the Payments menu. The page lists executed imports, both completed and failed.

Column Description
Date/Time Date and time the import was performed, or if it failed, was attempted
Note: The displayed time is relative to the financial institution's time zone.
Profile Name Name of the profile used for the import
Path/Filename Path and file name of the import file
User ID Login ID and company ID of the user who initiated the import

The format is UserID@CompanyID.

File Size Size of the imported file in kilobytes
Status Overall status of the import

Statuses include:

  • Completed
  • Failed

In the event of a failed import, you can click the Status link to display error information on the Import Log Information overlay.

Note: If one error occurs, the import fails.

After a successful import, Universal Online Banker adds the transactions from the imported file to the appropriate transaction lists. The standard transaction workflow applies (for example, a payment is ready for verification and signing).