General import requirements for NACHA files

When importing files in the NACHA format, all rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) apply. Compliance with the NACHA standard format ensures that ACH files can be properly processed by the financial institution, the ACH payment system, or the banking application.

When importing a NACHA formatted file:

  • General payment details are contained in the Batch Header Record (type 5).
  • General recipient details are contained in the Detail Record (type 6).
  • Details specific to a payment type are mostly contained in the Addenda Record (type 7).

The topics in this section describe validations and requirements that are unique to the NACHA format.

Note: This section provides just a brief overview of the NACHA file requirements, in particular the validations performed (or not performed) on individual fields during the import process. For complete information on formatting a NACHA-compliant file, refer to A Complete Guide to Rules & Regulations Governing the ACH Network, available at

NACHA file layout: file header record (type 1)

The first line in a NACHA file is always the File Header Record (type 1). The import process validates the File Header Record to ensure that the file is a valid NACHA file; however, the data is not saved to the banking application database.

The following field validations are performed on file header records.

Field POS Validations
Record Type Code 01-01 Required value: 1
Priority Code 02-03 Required value: 01
Immediate Destination 04-13
  • Right-justified, preceded by blanks
  • Alphanumeric, including special characters
Immediate Origin 14-23
  • Right-justified, preceded by blanks
  • Alphanumeric, including special characters
File Creation Date 24-29 Date format: YYMMDD
File Creation Time 30-33 No validation by import process
Field ID Modifier 34-34 One character, upper case A-Z or numeric 0-9
Record Size 35-37 Required value: 094
Blocking Factor 38-39 Required value: 10
Format Code 40-40 Required value: 1
Immediate Destination Name 41-63 No validation by import process
Immediate Origin Name 64-86 No validation by import process
Reference Code 87-94 No validation by import process

NACHA file layout: batch header record (type 5)

The NACHA type 5 record is known as the Company Batch Header Record, and it indicates the beginning of a payment batch. Type 5 records are subject to the general rules for validating payment data. When importing a NACHA file, the import process performs some additional validations to ensure the file is a valid NACHA file.

These additional validations apply to a NACHA batch header record.

Field POS Validations
Record Type Code 01-01 Required value: 5
Service Class Code 02-04 One of the following:
  • 200 – Mixed debit and credit
  • 220 – Credit only
  • 225 – Debit only
Foreign Exchange Reference Indicator
Cross-Border Only 23-23 Numeric
Foreign Exchange Reference
Cross-Border Only 24-38 Must be blank
Originator Status Code 79-79 Required value: 1
Batch Number 88-94 Not blank

NACHA file layout: detail record (type 6)

Type 6 records are subject to the general rules for validating recipient data. When importing a NACHA file, the import process performs a few additional validations to ensure the file is a valid NACHA file and conforms to the type 6 record layout.

The following additional validations apply to a NACHA detail record.

Field Name POS Validations
Record Type Code 01-01 Required value: 6
Transaction Code 02-03 Numeric (refer to the NACHA rules for a list of codes)
Trace Number 80-94 Numeric

NACHA file layout: addenda record (type 7)

Type 7 records are subject to the general rules for validating addenda data. When importing a NACHA file, the import process performs some additional validations to ensure the file is a valid NACHA file and conforms to the type 7 record layout.

The following validations are performed on domestic type 7 records.

Record Type Code


Required value: 7

Addenda Type Code


Required value: 05

Payment Related Information


No validation by import process

Addenda Sequence Number


No validation by import process

Entry Detail Sequence Number


No validation by import process

These validations are performed on cross-border type 7 records.

Record Type Code


Required value: 7

Addenda Type Code


Required value: 01

Transaction Type Code


A valid three-character SEC codes

Foreign Receiving DFI Identification


Not blank

Foreign Payment Amount


No validation by import process

Foreign Trace Number


Must be blank

Foreign Receiver's Account Number


  • Matches the account number of the recipient
  • Alphanumeric
Trace Number


No validation by import process

NACHA file layout: batch control record (type 8)

In a NACHA file, the Batch Control Record (type 8) identifies the end of a batch of payments. The import process validates this record to ensure that the file is a valid NACHA file; however, the data is not saved to the banking application database.

The following validations are performed on a batch control record.

Field POS Validations
Record Type Code 01-01 Required value: 8
Service Class Code 02-04 One of the following:
  • 200 – Mixed debit and credit
  • 220 – Credit only
  • 225 – Debit only
Entry/Addenda Count 05-10 The total of all type 6 and type 7 records

Required value: unsigned numeric

Entry Hash 11-20 Total of all of routing/transit numbers from entry detail records

Truncate high order digits beyond 10 characters.

Total Debit Entry Dollar Amount 21-32 The total amount of debit entries
Total Credit Entry Dollar Amount 33-44 The total amount of credit entries
Company Identification 45-54 Originating ACH Company ID
Message Authentication Code 55-73 The authenticity validator

Required value: blank

Reserved N/A This field must be blank
Originating DFI Identification 80-87 The DFI routing number
Batch Number 88-94 The ascending sequence number

For example, 1 for the first batch in the file, 2 for the second batch, and so on

NACHA file layout: file control record (type 9)

The last line in a NACHA file is always the File Control Record (type 9). The import process validates the file control record to ensure that the file is a valid NACHA file; however, the data is not saved to the banking application database.

These field validations are performed on file control records.

Field POS Validations
Record Type Code 01-01 Required value: 9
Batch Count 02-07 The number of batch header records in the file
Block Count 08-13 The number of blocks in the file (1 block = 10 lines)
Entry / Addenda Count 14-21 The sum of entry detail records plus addenda records in the file
Entry Hash 22-31 The accumulation of routing/ transit numbers from entry detail records (field 3)
Total Debit Amount 32-43 Total amount of debit entries for all payments
Total Credit Amount 44-55 Total amount of credit entries for all payments
Reserved 56-94 Must be blank