FX Rates widget

The FX Rates widget allows you to set up To and From currencies to get an immediate indicative rate comparing the selected currency with other currencies.

Note: The FX Rates widget is not displayed if a user does not have the appropriate functional entitlements.

The following image shows the FX Rates widget.

The following describes the features.

Edit Currency Settings menu
From Currency
Enables users to select the original currency.
To Currencies
Enables users to select up to <n> currencies for comparison. The available currencies are presented in alphabetical order.
Your selections
Displays the user-selected currencies.
Note: If a widget is removed, all customized information for the widget is lost. The widget can be re-added to the page, but will contain the default information.

The user clicks Done and a results page is displayed. The following illustration shows an example FX Rates results page.