Export payment templates


  1. From the Payments menu, in the Payment Tools section, select Template Center.

  2. Select the check box for each template to be exported.

    Note: Although you can export multiple templates at one time, they must be for the same payment type.

  3. Click Export.

  4. The Export [Wire|ACH] Template Profiles page displays a list of available profiles.

  5. Select a Recipient Status and a profile from the list.

    Note: The list shows only the profiles that are appropriate for the selected payment type.

  6. Click Export. The Export Initiated page displays while the export is in process. A browser window displays to ask whether you want to open or save the export file.

  7. Open the export file or save it to the desired location.

  8. When the export is complete, click Done. The Export History List page displays, and now includes a new entry for the export you just completed.