Export Log Information

The View Export Log page provides details on an individual export.

File Name

Path and file name of the exported file


Date and time the export was performed, or if it failed, was attempted

Note: The displayed time is relative to the financial institution's time zone.

Overall status of the export

Statuses include:

  • Completed
  • Failed
Note: If one error occurs, the export fails.
Line #

Line containing the field that caused the parser error

Note: Line numbers are incremented per CR LF (Carriage Return/Line Feed - the end of line characters used in standard PC text files). Some import files do not have CR LF, in which case the line number will always be 1.
Field Position

Numeric position of the field that caused the error

The position is the offset in bytes compared to the beginning of the record.

Field Position Name

Name of the field that caused the error


The value of the field that caused the error

For blank fields, the value will be "Blank."

Error Message

A text description of the error