Export History List

The Export History List page provides information about each executed report.

Status of the export execution
Statuses include:
  • Completed
  • Failed
  • Pending
  • Processing
Requested Date-Time
Date and time the export was executed or, if it failed, was attempted.
File Name
File name of the export file as created on the Create Export Profile page.
If the status is Completed, the file name is a link. Click the link to download (open or save) the exported data.
File Format
The file format for the exported file, as created on the Create Export Profile page.
Formats include:
  • BAI II
  • QuickBooks
  • Comma Separated
  • Semi-colon Separated
  • Tab Separated
The type of information in the file.
If you selected BAII or QuickBooks, the options are as follows:
  • Current Day – The report includes data up to and including today.
  • Prior Day – The report includes data up to and including the prior business day.
If you selected the SWIFT file format, the options are as follows:
  • MT940 – Customer Statement Message (daily customer statement)
  • MT941 – Balance Report (intraday balance advice)
  • MT942 – Interim Transaction Report (intraday transaction advice)
If you selected a comma-, semicolon-, or tab-separated file format, the options are as follows:
  • Current Day – The report includes data up to and including today.
  • Current Day Detail Only – The report includes only transactions up to and including today.
  • Current Day Summary Only – The report includes only balances up to and including today.
  • Prior Day – The report includes data up to and including the prior business day.
  • Prior Day Detail Only – The report includes only transactions up to and including the prior business day.
  • Prior Day Summary Only – The report includes only balances up to and including the prior business day.
  • Wire Confirmation Detail – The report includes detailed data about all incoming and outbound wire debits and credits.
  • Wire Confirmation Summary – The report includes a summary of the data about all incoming and outbound wire debits and credits.
File Size
Final size of the file in bytes
A short description of the export file, as created on the Create Export Profile page