Edit a recipient


  1. From the Payments menu, in the Manage section, select Master Recipient List.

  2. On the Manage Master Recipients page, click the link in the Recipient Name column of the recipient you want to edit.

  3. On the Edit US Payment Recipient page, you can do the following:

    • Edit the Recipient Name field.

    • Add or change the options selected for the Recipient Type.

      Note: Once an ACH recipient is created, the domestic or international designation cannot be changed. If you need to create payments to the same recipient at a U.S. and an international locale, then two separate recipients must be created.

  4. Click Continue. Edit the information as needed.

    The page refreshes to display additional options. The options available vary with the selected recipient type. For details, refer to the following topics:

  5. When all details have been entered, click Preview Recipient.

  6. On the preview page, click Submit Recipient to save your changes.