Edit US Payment Recipient

The Edit US Payment Recipient page appears when you click the recipient's name on the Manage Recipients page. The edit version of this page is the same as the create version in that it first enables you to select one or more usage types for the recipient.

Recipient Name

Official name of the recipient

Recipient Type

Specifies how the recipient is used in the system

You can select one or more of these recipient types:

  • ACH Domestic Recipient
  • ACH International Recipient (advanced large corporate users only)
  • Wire Recipient
  • Ordering Customer

After clicking Continue, the page refreshes to include fields and options appropriate for the selected recipient type.

Caution: Changes to a recipient in the master list do not affect existing payments that specify the recipient, including future instances of a recurring payment.

Changes to an existing recipient in the master list cascade to templates containing the recipient. New payments created from the template will include the updated recipient information.