Download account activity

About this task

The Quick Download link on the Account Activity page allows you to quickly download transaction information for the selected account to .CVS format. You can choose to open the file in an available application such as Notepad, or you can save the .CVS file.

Note: If you choose to open in an application, you can save the file after it is opened.

The transactions included in the quick download are based on the date/time of the last quick download, initiated by you, for the account. When a quick download is initiated, a message provides you expected output information. Transactions are included in the file based on the following:

If... Then...
This is the first quick download, initiated by you, for the account The file includes all transactions up to the maximum allowable number of days.

For example, if the allowable number of days is 120, your download file includes 120 days of posted transaction history.

Note: The maximum allowable days are configured by a system administrator.
You have previously performed a quick download for the account The file includes transactions since the prior download through the current date.
Note: There is a limit to the number of transactions that can be downloaded. If the total number of transactions exceeds the limit, the file will only include transaction up to the limit.


  1. On the main menu, select Accounts, and in the Manage Accounts section, select Account Activity. The Account Activity page appears.

  2. Click Quick Download. A message providing information about the download is displayed.

  3. Click Submit. The Opening Download dialog is displayed.

  4. Select either of the following options:

    Open with
    Opens the file using the selected application
    Note: The default file format is .CVS. This format cannot be changed when downloading the transaction information.
    Save file
    Saves the .CVS file to your default download directory