Delete an external transfer account

About this task

If transfers are no longer being made to an external account, you can delete the external account information. By deleting the external account, the account is no longer available as a selection when creating a transfer.

Note: You cannot delete an external transfer account if there are pending transfers either to or from the account.

If there are pending or recurring transfer transactions that include an account you cannot delete the account.


  1. From the Transfers menu, in the Manage section, select External Accounts. The External Transfer Accounts page appears.

    Note: If a Transfers menu is not available, transfer options may be accessed using the Payments menu.

  2. Select the check box for each external account you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete. The Delete External Transfer Accounts page appears showing a list of one or more accounts selected for deletion.

  4. Click Delete. The External Transfer Accounts page appears showing a success message.