Delete a stop request


  1. On the main menu, select Check Services, and in the Manage section, select Stop Payments.

    The Manage Stop Payments page displays a list of all existing request records.

  2. In the Check Number(s) column, click the Check Number(s) link for the request you want to delete.

    If the status of the stop request is any of the following, the Edit Stop Payment Request page appears with the request you want to delete.

    • Pending Approval
    • Approved (with Type = Stop Request)

    If the type and status are other than what is listed, the View Stop Payment Request page appears with the request you want to delete.

  3. On either page, click Delete.

  4. On the delete confirmation overlay, verify that you are deleting the request you intend to.

  5. Click Delete. The Manage Stop Payments page appears with a confirmation message and without the deleted request.