Current Day Balances
The Current Day Balances page displays the balances loaded for the current day's date for each account that has current day data loaded. If no balances were loaded today, the page shows No Data Found.
You and the financial institution can configure the details that appear.
Note: Depending on how your company is configured to receive balance and transaction updates from the financial institution, a Refresh Data button may appear at the top right of the page. If one is provided, use it to manually refresh balances and transactions and ensure that you are viewing the most recent information. After clicking the button, the Select Accounts for Real Time Update page appears. See
Refreshing account data in real time.
- Account Number
- Your financial institution account number.
- Account Name
- The name of the account, given by the financial institution, or the nickname given by your company's administrator.
- Currency
- The reporting currency for the account.
- Last Update
- The date and time of the last refresh of data for the account.
- Depending on how your company is configured to receive balance updates, a Refresh Data link may appear at the top right of the balances area. Click the link to refresh balances and transactions and to ensure that you are viewing the most recent information.
- Opening Ledger Balance
- The balance at the beginning of the business day, including all deposits and debits from prior day processing.
- Current Available Balance
- The real-time balance that is the result of the total posted debit and credit activity.
- Unavailable deposits, holds, and float are excluded from this balance.
- Current Balance
- The real-time balance, including all deposits and debits from current day processing, as of the most recent system update.
- 1 Day Float
- The first forward available balance, which is available one business day after it has been received.
- This amount usually represents unavailable check deposits on the reported date.
You can click the
Reference Text
icon in the View Details column to see the transaction detail for a specific account. For more information, see
Current Day Transactions.