Create Singapore GIRO Payment

A Singapore GIRO service enables you to create a domestic interbank transfer.

Transaction Information

Field / Option Description
Payment Account The account from which the payment originates
Amount Currency

Displays only for cross-currency payments.

Recipient currency - Default. As recipients are entered, the recipient account amount running total accumulates

Payment Account Currency - As recipients are entered, the payment account running total accumulates


Displays only for cross-currency payments, depending on the financial institution's implementation.

Standard Rate - Default.

Contract Rate - If selected, displays an entry box for Contract Rate and Contract number

Customer Reference A means of identifying the transaction.

Payment Schedule

Field / Option Description
Payment Date Date the recipient should receive the funds

How often payments are to be processed over the selected period of time

For Recurring Payments, there are additional options for the recurring schedule, the Weekend/Holiday Schedule, and the number of payments to process over the selected period of time

Workflow Options
  • Confidential - the payment is treated as confidential, and is only available to users who are entitled to Confidential payments
  • Save as Template - the payment information will be saves as a template for future use
  • Approve on Submit - the payment does not require additional approval

Recipient Information

You can create new recipients by selecting them from a list, creating a new record, or by importing the information from a file. The Recipients table is displayed when you choose to add the new recipient. After adding one or more recipients to the payment, the following details and options are displayed for each recipient.

The following table defines the recipient information.

Field / Option Description
Recipient Name Enter up to 35 characters for the recipient name
Account Number The recipient's account number. Enter up to 34 characters.
Select From List

Select to display an overlay where you can choose the branch from one of two lists:

Preferred Bank List - Select to display the list of banks that you have designated as preferred. You can select a bank from this list

Full Bank List

- Select to display the Search Full Bank List overlay, where you can choose from the entire list of banks available for Singapore Giro Payment type.

Enter Bank Information

The Bank ID Type is static text based on the form of payment. Note that Bank IDs are limited to SWIFT IDs for Singapore Giro payments.

Enter a Bank ID, from those banks authorized for Singapore Giro Payments, to select the identifier for payer's bank

Save to Master Recipient List
  • Use recipient name as nickname
  • Create a nickname
Add Recipient Advising Information

This is an optional feature controlled by property file, per payment type.

Click hyperlink to enter delivery details and additional information for the recipient

A Recipient Advising overlay will display where you can enter the following details:

  • Email address
  • Number for SMS/Text
  • Country
  • Address