Create Issue or Void Instruction

When you click Create Single Issue in the Create section under the Fraud Control tab, the Create Issue or Void Instruction page appears.

Account/Required field

Account number of the issue or void instruction

The accounts included in the list are dependent on the user's account entitlements.

Based on your configuration, either Single, or a selection between Single and Range displays
Check Number(s)/From Required field/To

Check number or number range of checks related to the issue or void instruction

If the transaction type is “Issue Add,” enter only a single check number, not a range of numbers.

Check Number/Required
Check number of the check related to the issue or void instruction
Note: The Check and Check Number fields will display depending on Host requirements. The Host system may allow only single checks to be entered, rather than a range.
Transaction Type/Required field

The type of the issue or void instruction

Types include:

  • Issue Add
  • Issue Delete
  • Void Delete
  • Void Add

The amount of the check causing the issue or void

Note: Required only when the transaction type is “Issue Add”
Issue Date

For issue add and delete records, this field is the date the check was written in the mm/dd/yyyy format.

For void add and delete records, this field is optional.


Optional field identifying the payee of the check


Optional field for issue or void details

Confirm the information, and then click Submit Request. The request is submitted, and then the Issue Maintenance page appears with a confirmation message.