Create Export Profile

When you select one of the user-defined file formats, the Create Export Profile page enables you to add and remove fields from the profile as well as define more refined profile settings.

Note: The availability of an individual field or option varies with the type, format, and content of export.

Profile Information

Profile Name

The name that will be used to identify the profile in the system

Note: This field is read-only and displays your choice from the previous page.
File Format

There are several available character-delimited formats, such as comma-separated.

After selecting a format and clicking Continue, the field changes to read-only; however, you can click the Edit button to change to a different file format. The page will refresh with the appropriate options.

File Content Type

The type of payment data exported with the profile.

File content types include the following:

  • Payments
  • Templates
Note: This field is read-only and displays your choice from the previous page.
Payment Type

The payment type to be exported using the export profile

This field applies only to user-defined payment and template exports.

Note: This field is read-only and displays your choice from the previous page.

Specifies whether the exported file should include header and footer records

Import Field Selection

Available Fields

The payment fields available for addition to the profile

A field can be added to the profile by selecting it in the list and clicking the right arrow button.

Fields Included in File

The payment fields included in the current profile

A field can be removed from the profile by selecting it in the list and clicking the left arrow icon. The Up and Down buttons can be used as needed to order the fields.

Note: Both lists support use of the CTRL key for selecting multiple non-adjacent items, and the SHIFT key for selecting multiple adjacent items.