Create Colombia Supplier Payment

Use this page to create a supplier payment.

Payment Information

Originating Account

The account from which the payment is made,

Payment Date

The date the payment should be originated.


How often the payment should be made:

  • If a single, non-recurring payment, select One Time Only
  • If a recurring payment, select Recurring, and make a selection for each of these options:
    • Recurring Schedule - Select a payment schedule from the list
    • Weekend/Holiday Schedule - For a weekend or holiday payment, select either previous day or next day processing
    • Number of Payments - Select one of the number of payment options

Select one or more of the following:

  • Confidential
  • Save as Template
  • Approve on Submit

Recipient Information


The name of the recipient

Bank ID

ID of the recipient bank

Account Number

Recipient account number


The collection amount. Maximum 24 characters.

Invoice Number


Maximum 10 characters.


Indicates whether the recipient status is active, hold, or prenote



Maximum 80 characters.