Create/Edit Fixed Width Upload Profile

Note: Whether many of the fields listed below display on the page depends on how you have configured related properties values.

The Create/Edit Fixed Width Upload Profile page includes the following four sections:

Upload Profile Information

Profile Name

The name of the upload profile

Date Format

The format of dates contained within files that are to be uploaded using the profile.

Number of Header Rows

Define the number of lines to skip when importing a file with header rows.

You can just import the files and skip the header rows. The first line is a header, so you don't have to remove it from your file before you import it. You can just choose to skip the first row.

Duplicate File Check

Indicates whether the system allows or prevents uploaded files from being uploaded again during a certain number of days (specified in a property file).

A selected check box indicates that the system checks for duplicate files then reject duplicates.

Profile Access

Indicates whether the profile can be accessed by other users:

  • Private – Only the creator of the profile can see the profile and initiate uploads based on it.
  • Public – Other users in the same corporation and with the required user entitlements for Upload have access to the profile.

Default Values

Transaction Type

Select a default transaction type from these options:

  • Issue (Issue Add and Issue Delete)
  • Cancel (Void Add and Void Delete)
Note: Depending on how you configure property values associated with transaction types, you can choose to show or hide any of the values above.

Type the name of the default financial institution

Account Number

Type the default account number

Issue Date

Type the date the check was issued in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or select this date from the calendar.

Transaction Type Mapping

Each transaction in an upload issue file must include transaction codes, which Universal Online Banker requires in order to correctly interpret the transaction type. The Transaction Type Mapping section of the upload profile associates each of the four basic transaction types with a specific transaction code. The transaction types are:

  • Issue (issue add and issue delete )
  • Cancel (void add and void delete)

Any issues file uploaded with the profile must use these codes.

Note: Depending on how you configure property values associated with transaction types, you can choose to show or hide any of the values above.

Upload Profile Fields

For each of the profile fields, enter the following:

  • Field Start – A number indicating the starting position of the field
  • Field Width – The length of the field
Note: If a Type, Account, or Issue Date value is entered in the Default Values Transaction fields, the corresponding Field Start and Field Width fields are not required.

The profile field options are:

  • Transaction Type
  • Bank
  • Account Number
  • Check Number
  • Issue Date
  • Check Amount
  • Reference
  • Payee

Upon clicking Preview Profile, the system checks that the entered Field Start and Field Width values do not cause more than one field to occupy the same place within the file.

Note: How the fields on this page are displayed is based on a properties setting. In addition:
  • An asterisk (*) indicates that a field is required for the selected profile type.
  • A plus (+) indicates fields that have a default value option and are required if no default is selected.

    For example, if a value is entered in the Transaction Type, Account Number, or Issue Date fields, then the corresponding Field Start and Field Width fields are not required.

    You may or may not see the plus (+) indicator, depending on how this field is configured.