Check Inquiry Results

Check Number

Check number of the item

Posted Date

Date the check posted to the account

From Account

Account name and number of the transaction concatenated together


Status of the transaction


Amount of the transaction


Available actions, which depend on the status of the item

These actions include the following:

  • View Image – Appears if the status is Paid, Forced Paid, Paid Returned, or Paid Without Issue

    The appearance of this link also depends on the transaction type being configured in SAM to include check images.

    It links to an image of the item.

  • Stop Payment – Appears if the status is Outstanding and links to the Create Stop Payment page for the item
  • Cancel Stop – Appears if the status is Stopped and links to the Cancel Stop Payment page for the item
Note: If no record of the item is found, the system assigns the status Outstanding.

Click New Inquiry to return to the Check Inquiry page.