Authorize a decision on a suspect item
The Manage Positive Pay page appears.
The page that appears depends on the positive pay account type, which is in the read-only Type column:
- Standard – If you selected a positive pay account in the Accounts column of the Manage Positive Pay page, the Suspect Items - Positive Pay page appears. It provides a list of checks that the financial institution has identified as suspect. From this page, you can make decisions on whether the check should be paid or returned.
- ACH – If you selected an ACH account in the Accounts column of the Manage Positive Pay page, the Suspect Items - ACH page appears. It provides a list of suspect ACH transactions. You can review and make return decisions on these items. You can also inquire about historical review items and decisions made about them.
- Reverse – If you selected a Reverse Positive Pay account in the Accounts column of the Manage Positive Pay page, the Suspect Items - Reverse Positive Pay page appears. It provides a list of the paid checks from the prior day's transactions. From this page, you can compare the information to your company's internal records, and then return any items that do not match.
If authorizing a single item needing approval in the Approval column from the Set Approval list, select the corresponding Approve or Reject button.
If authorizing all the items needing approval in the Approval column from the Set All list, select the corresponding Approve or Reject button.
The Manage Positive Pay page appears with the approval decisions updated.