Approve or reject a payment


  1. From the Payments menu, select Payment Center.

  2. The Payment Center page displays pending payment on the Pending or All tab. Be sure that one of these tabs is selected.

  3. Select the check box for one or more payments you want to approve (or reject). You can approve payments with a status of either Pending Approval or Partially Approved.

    Note: You can select as many payments as you like; however, you must take the same action on all selected payments. For instance, you can approve multiple payments or reject multiple payments, but you cannot mix the two actions.
    Tip: You can also approve individual payments while viewing their details. To display payments details, click the Transaction Number link in the list of payments.

  4. Click either Approve or Reject, as needed.

  5. Depending on your choice in the previous step, do one of the following:

    • On the Approve Payments page, click Approve. This approves the request for processing by the financial institution.
    • On the Reject Payments page, click Reject. This stops further processing of the request in its current form. The request can be edited and submitted again for approval.


Note: You can authorize instructions only if you are designated in the system as an approver. You cannot authorize any instructions that you created or last modified. In addition, lack of account access or exceeding a limit can prevent you from successfully authorizing an instruction.