Add / Edit Remittance Document Information

The remittance document information is part of the structured remittance information. When you click the Add or Add Another button in the Document Information section on the Structured Remittance Information page, the Add Remittance Document Information is displayed.

Primary Remittance Document Information

This section identifies the type of document as well as other details about the primary remittance.

Document Type Code

Indicates the code that identifies the primary remittance document type

This is a required selection.

Proprietary Document Type Code

Indicates a proprietary type code, if applicable

This field can include up to 35 characters. This is an optional field.

Document ID Number

Indicates the identification number of the remittance document

This field can include up to 35 characters. This is a required field.


Indicates the issuer of the primary remittance document

This field can include up to 35 characters. This is an optional field.

Remittance Document Date

Identifies the date of the primary remittance document

YYYYMMDD format. The first two digits of the year (YYYY) must be 19 or 20. The month (MM) characters must be between 01 and 12. The day characters (DD) must be between 01 and 31.

Remittance Free Text

Text fields you can use to provide additional information about the primary remittance document

The three text fields are optional and can include up to 140 alphanumeric characters each.


This section provides information about the amount of the remittance.

Invoice Amount Paid

Identifies the amount paid

This field can include up to 19 characters and the amount must exceed .01. This is a required field.


Identifies the currency type for the amount in the Invoice Amount Paid, Original Invoice Amount, and Discount Amount

The Currency field is required for the Invoice Amount Paid field. The currency fields for Original Invoice Amount and Discount Amount are only required if an amount is entered in the corresponding fields.

Original Invoice Amount

Identifies the amount of the original invoice

This is an optional field. If an amount is entered into this field, the type of currency must be identified in the corresponding Currency drop-down list.

Discount Amount

Identifies any discount applied

This field can include up to 19 characters and the amount must exceed .01. This is an optional field. If an amount is entered into this field, the type of currency must be identified in the corresponding Currency drop-down list.

Adjustment Information

This section provides fields to complete when the remittance is due to an adjustment to the amount.

Adjustment Reason Code

Identifies a reason for an adjustment

This is an optional field.

Payment Type

Indicates whether the payment type is a credit or a debit.

This is an optional field.


Indicates the amount of the adjustment

This field can include up to 19 characters and the amount must exceed .01. This is an optional field.


Identifies the currency for the adjustment amount

If an amount is entered, select a currency type.

Additional Information

Text field you can use to enter additional information about an adjustment

This field can include up to 140 characters. This is an optional field.

Secondary Remittance Document Information

This section provides secondary remittance documentation information.

Document Type Code

Indicates the code to a secondary remittance

This field is required if information is entered into any of the secondary remittance document information fields.

Proprietary Document Type Code

Indicates the type code for a proprietary document

This field can include up to 35 characters. Information in this field is only permitted if the document type code is PROP.

Document ID Number

Indicates the identification number of the document

This field can include up to 35 characters. This field is required if information is entered into any of the secondary remittance document information fields.


Identifies the issuer of the secondary remittance document

This field can include up to 35 characters. This is an optional field.