ACH Quick Entry page

ACH Quick Entry allows you to select one or more ACH templates and use them to quickly create a one-time ACH payment. Just assign an effective date (or dates) and click Create.

Select All

Click the Select All button to select all items listed on the page. You can select one or more of the listed items and perform an action on all of them at one time.

After selecting items, users click Create Payment to be taken to the Preview page, where they can Submit, Edit, or Cancel the payment.

Template Name

TThe name of the template. Depending on entitlements, a link to the template allows users to edit the details of the template. The user is directed to the Edit Template page. Upon completing their changes, the user is taken to the Template Center page and their Quick payment is not saved.

Effective Date

The date on which payment is required to be received by the recipient

Payment Account

The originating account and originating company account number for the template

Payment Type
The ACH payment type associated with the payment. The following ACH payment types are available for Quick Entry:
  • PPD
  • CCD
  • WEB
  • TEL

The recipient name and recipient bank. If multiple recipients are available, a View Recipients link displays.

Total Amount

The combined recipient amounts from the payment template or templates used for the quick payment

Click Create Payment to initiate your ACH Quick Entry payment. You are directed to the ACH Quick Entry History page.